#collaborationworks ??

We recently had a spay/neuter clinic in collaboration with Dierenwelzijnscentrum Adventure, met zorg voor uw dier, Caribbean Spay Neuter, Dierenbescherming Curacao, Tusken Diken en Feanen Dierenartsenpraktijk.

A small but dedicated team was able to spay and neuter :

61 animals in total !

15 male cats
15 female cats
6 male dogs
25 female dogs

We were able to provide information on proper care and necessary tick/flea/heartworm prevention and the proper post surgery care for the pets.

It was a lovely and successful collaboration between several organizations where the wellbeing of the pets was of utmost importance. Thank you to all who in one way or the other was part of this clinic. We are already planning the next one !

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