“As a proud Yu di Kòrsou (child of Curaçao) I always talk fondly of my island. I admire its crystal clear beaches, its unrefined nature and its vibrant historical capital. For me there is no better place in the Caribbean than Curaçao.”
“However, when I moved back home after several years abroad, it didn’t take long for me to see the island’s overpopulation of stray dogs still had not been resolved. Within no time, I saw many stray dogs who obviously had been living most, if not all, of their lives on the streets. The despair in their eyes was heartbreaking. Some had developed some dangerously looking skin condition and most looked so thin that it seemed as if they could die any second. I saw poor dogs tied to a tree, dogs who could easily escape from their yard since their owner didn’t even bother to put a fence or a gate around it, and dog owners who neglected to sterilize their female dogs. It was all the same as it was before I left. Taking proper care of your pets is still not the mentality here, at least not for everyone.”
“Dogs have feelings too. When will people understand this? When you decide to get a dog, you need to take care of him which means your dog should have daily food, fresh and clean water, regular veterinarian visits and medications if needed. If you don’t want puppies then sterilize your dog and if you can’t afford to take care of a dog, then don’t get one!”
“Another concern of mine is the tourism, one of the main sectors in Curaçao’s economy. What do tourists think when they see stray dogs left for dead roaming the streets? How do they feel when stray dogs come begging for food at their table when they are dining out?”
“I can only imagine their disgust and disappointment, and I’m concerned of what they will tell their friends and family back home. Remember, word travels fast and especially if it’s negative. If people started boycotting Curaçao (and I wouldn’t be surprised if that is already happening) then this island will have an even bigger problem in the future…”
If you would like to help us help the stray and neglected animals on Curaçao, then please send us a message at carfcuracao@gmail.com. Even if you can’t donate money, you can still contribute by becoming a volunteer or a foster, donating time or supplies or simply by helping us spreading our messages.