The adoption fee is Nafl. 150,- (incl. spay/neuter). We always do a homecheck for any potential adoptive homes. You may contact to schedule a home check. If the home check is successful, you can come pick out your CARFIE and take him/her home with you!
When you adopt, not only do you save an animal, you also open up space for another homeless dog who might need our help.
* Even if you are not in the position to adopt a dog right now, you are more than welcome to join us! Our CARFIES love to play, be pet, and snuggle with you. Our volunteers will be able to tell you more about our foundation, our foster program, and volunteer opportunities. If you’d like, you can bring donations. We can always use toys for our puppies, cleaning supplies and paper towels, coconut oil for our dogs with skin problems, and preventatives (HeartGard and NexGard).