? UPDATE 3: Thank you all for your patience, we know that many of you are eagerly waiting for good news regarding Emma.
? We didn't get around to posting anything yesterday, because the day didn’t start off that well. We had to rush Emma back to our vet because her condition seemed to be worsening. She's had another drip and her medications have been adjusted. She is still very frail but she’s fighting for her life with all her might. She seems to be less alert. This morning, she has been drinking well, so at least there is that. We're hoping that her appetite will improve soon.
?? Together with our vet, we are doing absolutely everything in our power to help her pull through. We’ll try to post another update about Emma as soon as we can. Please keep Emma in your thoughts and THANK YOU for your concern, your support, and your donations.
• Tikkie: https://tikkie.me/pay/jood9egje2m6e8an2v6c
• PayPal: www.carfdogrescue.com/donate-carf / stichtingcarf@gmail.com
• Maduro & Curiel’s Bank (MCB): 21199501
• Banco di Caribe: 301647 500 001 100 01
#CARFEmma #FosteringSecondChancesSince2008 #DogRescueCuracao #DogsOfCuracao