Hato is calm, easy-going, and fluffy as can be. Yet somehow, despite his many charms, Hato still hasn’t been adopted yet. He’s been at CARF for several years now and during his time with us, he has seen hundreds of dogs come and go. Although he enjoys being at our shelter, we very much wish him to have a place to call home.
So, what else is there to know about Hato?
- Hato is a medium sized dog.
- He’s one of our first generation CARFIES.
- Can you believe Hato is TEN years old?! Neither can we, to be honest.
- This calm senior does not ask for much; food, water, and a safe and comfortable place to chill.
- In short, Hato is really just a sweet elderly boy who is pretty easy-going!
For more info about Hato, or one of our other adoptable CARFIES, contact stichtingcarf@gmail.com. We’d happily tell you more about our our adoptable dogs and our adoption process.