Luke is a neutered male of approx. 20 months old. Luke has been with CARF since he was a little puppy and he has been waiting for someone to come and adopt him ever since. He has seen many other CARFIES come and go and can’t help but wonder, “when will it be my turn?” and “why not me?” each time another dog leaves. Who’s going to make our Luke a Lucky Luke?
Luke is gorgeous and very pleasant to be around. He is patiently waiting for a house to call home and he really doesn’t care if he has to share that house with other dogs. His skills include: lounging, playing, being exceedingly patient and calm, and loving you unconditionally. Honestly, we don’t understand why nobody opened their hearts for him yet.
If you have room in your home and your heart, please consider adopting Luke, our long standing residence who day in and day out get passed over for one reason or another – all he needs is a second chance for a happy life. Won’t you help to make that happen?
For more info about Luke or to set up a meet & greet, please contact We will reply to your email as soon as possible.