Until now, he had never known the kindness of a cuddle or a gentle pat on his head. As you can see, his mange condition is quite advanced. Just imagine how much he must have suffered out there, resorting to scavenging the landfill for a scrap of whatever he could find to survive. As of now, this fella will never go hungry again. Plus, he will be getting the best medical attention available!
Please find it in your hearts to donate towards our cause of ‘Fostering Second Chances’ and providing much needed medical assistance to so many, too many, sick and injured street dogs. We have our hands full. It is hard to keep up with our financial commitments to our suppliers (dog food, medicines, cleaning supplies, etc). It is a pity a handful of animal advocates and supporters have to do a job that in our humble opinion should be the responsibility of our government…
Support CARF Curaçao
Maduro & Curiel’s Bank: 21199501
Banco di Caribe: 301647 500 001 100 01
All donations, no matter how big or small, are appreciated. Help us change the look of distrust and fear in his eyes into one of health and happiness…
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