POSITIVE PUPPY (P)UPDATE!Whenever we have some positive news during these strange times, we’re happy to share it with our friends and followers. Plus, who doesn’t love some Friday cuteness to start off the weekend?
Thanks to YOUR donations, our puppies Raquel, Renato, Ricarda, Regina, and Rosa-Maria (our R-puppies) and Sumaq, Sami, and Suyana (our S-puppies) are blossoming into the young happy pups they should be!
As you may know, all eight puppies came from horrible conditions. They were severely dehydrated, anemic, malnourished, riddled with ticks and fleas, and too small for their age. They underwent countless vet visits (including some emergency visits), were given fluids, medications, and were constantly being monitored. Our fosters really stepped up and showered them with love and affection, not to mention 24 hour care. Well, all the patience and efforts paid off!
We recently took the puppies to the vet for a complete check-up and we’re thrilled to let you know that they are now completely healthy. They still have some vaccinations to go, and once they reach the appropriate age, they will be spayed and neutered. All this comes with a price tag so any donations, no matter how small, are appreciated.
- We have an active Tikkie-link for our Dutch supporters (https://tikkie.me/pay/5rstrulh1mbjqbd38a48),
- and can also receive donations through PayPal (stichtingcarf@gmail.com),
- or our local bank accounts: Maduro & Curiel’s Bank: 21199501,
- and Banco di Caribe: 30164750000110001,
- or contact us for our Dutch and Canadian bank accounts info.
- For more donation info, click here.
Happy weekend everyone! Much love from our wonderful, playful and snuggly puppies.