* WARNING, GRAPHIC IMAGES * When Invictus was found, we were at a complete loss for words. The huge gaping wound on his back (image in article) was not caused by an infection but allegedly inflected upon him by human hands. Human hands using a machete.
When we first found Invictus in late March, well… just see for yourself. He was in the most horrible shape.
▽ March 27, 2017: Our sweet boy had a little bit of food and a few sips of water this morning but he is sleeping a lot. He is still very critical due to potential complications that may arise from walking around, we suspect for 2 or 3 days, with this horrible injury. Our vet Pieter Claus of Claus Clinic spent three hours (!) removing maggots and debris and flushing the wound.
▽ March 30th, 2017: Getting some fresh air this morning. Invictus is still critical but he has a hell of a fighting spirit. He sends his love and gratitude to all his fans and supporters who have donated to his medical expenses and sent him positive thoughts. Thank you. What a fighting spirit… Go Invictus!
▽ April 7th, 2017: We knew this might happen and unfortunately, it did. Invictus’ wound has burst open due to the rejection of dead tissue. The excessive tension on the edges of the wound made it impossible to stitch the wound back together. Fortunately, our vet Pieter Claus of Claus Clinic offered a solution.
▽ April 11th, 2017: Invictus is an amazing dog! He is very friendly, easy-going, and very happy to be alive. Every day is just the best day ever… again. He is incredibly strong both physically and mentally and reacts very well to his treatment. Just scroll down for his before-picture and his today-picture! He eats like a lion, takes his meds, and allows us to groom him without problems. Even the weird construction on his back does not bother him that much. He is incredible! He can’t wait to join the other dogs and fool around, but obviously he has to wait a bit for that. Soon Vic, soon!
May 9th, 2017: Invictus in his foster family. What a sweet soul.
June 5th, 2017: Our wonder boy Invictus out and about. We have the best fosters, the best vet, and the best supporters! Without you all, this would not have been possible.
Fast forward to September 2017: Look how stunning Invictus is today! All thanks to your trust, your generosity, his amazing foster, and vet Pieter Claus and his dedicated team at Claus Clinic.
For more information about Invictus (or one of our other CARFIES), please feel free to contact us at stichtingcarf@gmail.com. We will reply to your message as soon as possible.
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