Everybody buckle up for yet another sad story… Sweet Annie was found by tourists visiting the island; emaciated, malnourished, and in need of help. Our recent rescues have pushed us well over our limit, and we are slammed full, but we couldn’t possibly not help.
The vet said we were lucky we got her when we did because she might not have survived another night. Annie had been so deprived of food and water that she had to be put on a drip for dehydration immediately. She was so weak after being taken in she had to eat while lying down. Her temperature is worrying and she’s currently fighting for her life. We’re hoping that she will pull through, and we’ll do everything in our power to make that happen.
Annie’s condition will require a lot of vetting and it will be a lot of money for a little group of volunteers like ours. If you’d consider helping us help Annie, we would be forever grateful.
To donate please use one of the following methods:
• Tikkie-link (valid till February 21st, 2020)
• Maduro & Curiel’s Bank: 21199501(SWIFT/BIC Code = MCBKCWCU).
• Banco di Caribe: 301647 500 001 100 01 (SWIFT/BIC Code = BDCCCWCU).
• We also have Dutch, U.S.A. and Canadian bank accounts. Please contact stichtingcarf@gmail.com for account info.