We absolutely love seeing our CARFIES enjoying the howlidays with their families! Luis...
We absolutely love seeing our CARFIES enjoying the howlidays with their families! Luis' family shared this picture with us and this is what they had to say: "Luis has loved 2020 - so much time with his mum and dad, lots of walks, and no he still won't swim."
Share pictures of your festive CARFIES using #CARFChristmas ? #CARFadopted #CARFLuis
(? by Gail Johnson)
We started this week with a feel good story, so why not end the week with one as well? We ...
We started this week with a feel good story, so why not end the week with one as well? We see our adopted CARFIES on social media every day loving life, being adored by their families, going out for walks, and yes ― even holidays! That is what makes rescue so rewarding ❤️ Earlier this year, Sunny got a second chance in life when she got adopted by her new family. When she first came into our care, she was shy and timid. But she has blossomed into a playful and affectionate pet. We truly have the best supporters and adopters in the world! #CARFSunny #CARFadopted
(?: melissavandevin_)
Do you love a feel good story to start off your week? We know we do! So let us give you a...
? Do you love a feel good story to start off your week? We know we do! So let us give you an update on Dolce, who as you may or may not remember, was thrown over our wall last May. The poor girl was in bad shape; she had bloody diarrhea, tick disease, anemia, was dehydrated, and couldn't even eat or drink without assistance from our volunteers. Fast forward to August, and Dolce (who now goes by Dobby) is living her best life with her forever family!
? This is what your donations and support can do! We want to thank everyone who has donated for her vetting, shared her posts, and followed her recovery. We truly have the best supports! #CARFadopted #CARFDolce #CARFDobby #AdoptDontShop
Hond Bram uit Curaçao vindt nieuw thuis in Nederland
Wow, wat een verschil in één jaar tijd! Bram’s leven was alles behalve makkelijk maar gelukkig is daar verandering in gekomen mede dankzij de steun en donaties van onze lieve volgers. Iedereen bedankt! #CARFBram #CARFadopted
Hond Bram uit Curaçao vindt nieuw thuis in Nederland
Kan iemand een goed adoptieverhaal weerstaan? Het is bijna een jaar geleden, om precies te zijn op 18 juli 2019, dat wij Bram hebben opgevangen. Na een melding van een dierenliefhebber, hebben wij Bram gevonden en in veiligheid kunnen brengen. Hij had een opengebarste balzak die