Rescued Dog Bronco on the Mend after Surgery
Time for an update on rescued dog Bronco! Back in July, we introduced you to Bronco. Before he came into our care, Bronco was living on the streets and surviving on food scraps. He did not let us catch him easily and it took our volunteers three attempts before he was finally rescued. When we took Bronco to the vet, we discovered that he had a serious infection and a fracture in his heel that required surgery.
Four Puppies Rescued From Busy Main Street in Curaçao
Fibi is not the only puppy we took under our care this week. One of our long-term volunteers was able to secure these three little babies. She spotted them out on a busy main street and took action. There was no momma dog in sight or any other dogs around for that matter. All three puppies were skinny as can be, and without help, they wouldn’t last much longer.
Stray Dog Finally Lets Himself Be Rescued | Dogs of Curaçao
Today, we want to introduce you to Bronco―one of our latest rescues. Our volunteers first spotted Bronco a while back but he wasn’t going to let us catch him easily. Well, you know what they say, three times the charm. At our third attempt, we were able to catch him and bring him to see the vet.
Two dogs rescued from under shipping container in Curaçao
Welcome to the ever-growing CARF family, Sake and Sapporo!
CARF Volunteers rescue Family of Three Dogs at Caracasbaai, Curaçao

Positive Puppy (P)Update: Rescued Puppies are Blossoming into Happy Pets
POSITIVE PUPPY (P)UPDATE!Whenever we have some positive news during these strange times, we're happy to share it with our friends and followers. Plus, who doesn't love some Friday cuteness to start off the weekend?
Curaçao Animal Rescue Foundation Rescues Dumped Puppies
This post is way overdue, but better late than never, right? When the corona-virus outbreak hit, quite some of our volunteers and foster families left the island. Meanwhile the number of dogs in our care has only grown amid the pandemic. Our shrinking team is busier than ever, and by the end of the day, we don't always have the time (or the energy) to update our social media. Anyways, we have been meaning to tell you about a litter that we rescued a while back. Here we go!
Photographer Eduardo Rescues Dog Family Of Three near Curaçao Airport
We recently took in a dog family of three after being contacted for help by Eduardo. He shares their story with us: "It was a very hot August afternoon. Photography is my hobby and I was looking for a certain angle to take pictures of the landing airplanes at the airport. Someone told me about a location near the ATC radar on Seru Mahuma, so I drove there looking for this spot. I found it easily and it had a nice view overlooking the airport. There was also a beaten up wooden bench. I waited for the scheduled airplane to land and walked towards the bench, suddenly I heard the fierce growl of a puppy. I didn’t notice them at first, but underneath the wooden bench was a puppy and mother. The puppy kept growling, the mother was calm. They were resting. It was a very hot day and the sun was merciless."
'Bag of Bones': Emaciated Dog Found in Curaçao bushes rescued
Sometimes we're lost for words, like in the case of Emilia, one of our latest rescues. WARNING ― distressing images!
Curaçao Dog Rescue during COVID-19 | Welcoming Momma and her 8 Puppies
Money was already tight, but ever since the pandemic hit our donations dropped to an ultimate low. While the daily care for our more than 100 dogs continues, we had to make the difficult decision to not take in any more dogs right now. Right? Right...? Wrong!
Welcoming Annie | Tourists Rescue Stray Dog in Curaçao
Everybody buckle up for yet another sad story... Sweet Annie was found by tourists visiting the island; emaciated, malnourished, and in need of help. Our recent rescues have pushed us well over our limit, and we are slammed full, but we couldn’t possibly not help.
Update on CARFIE Emma
It's been a while since we last posted about Emma and we know that many of you are waiting for an update. Well, we have a lot of catching up to do...
How homeless dog Luther was saved from the streets of Curaçao
Meet Luther. This guy was picked up as a stray one week ago on Martin Luther King Day. Seems he had been roaming for a few days already. He was scanned for a microchip right away but unfortunately did not have one. He was covered in ticks and full of worms. Surrounding shopkeepers and security guards were informed to contact us if anyone came asking or looking for him and he was posted on the local Lost and Found-Facebook pages. To date no one has come forward.
Meet Emma | Severely Emaciated, Extremely Weakened, and Totally Helpless
No words can describe the suffering of this poor dog. Earlier today she was spotted at the parking lot of The Emma Church in Rio Canario; severely emaciated, extremely weakened, and totally helpless. We received a plea for help and went out to find her. She is so thin, so frail, so fragile. It looks like she could be knocked over by the wind. We’ve named her Emma.
Meet Dora, Our Latest Little Rescue
Meet Dora. This skinny (but not shy!) lady was found along the side of the road just a few days ago. During the vet's examination, she turned out to have a sub-temperature and plastic protruded from her anus. No wonder she has a low temperature if she doesn't get food to give her the energy she needs ...
Lily; Lost & Lonely in Curaçao
Thanks to Lisa and Sven for not looking away, going out to look for her, and bringing her to our vet (Claus Clinic).
Many of you have stepped up for our landfill family of five and we are forever grateful. Please, if you can spare ANY amount to help us fight for and with Lily, all donations (no matter how small) are welcome.
Monetary donations can be made through PayPal (click here) or through the following accounts:
- Maduro & Curiel's Bank: 21199501. Address: Beshiweg #1
- Banco di Caribe: 301647 500 001 100 01. Address: Beshiweg #1
- If you would like to make a donation from The Netherlands or another European country, we have a euro-account (€) that you can use to donate to avoid costly transfer fees. Please contact for more info.
We depend on your trust and generosity to continue our efforts for Lily and all our other rescued #carfies