Support CARF this Holiday Season

5 Ways To Support CARF This Holiday Season

Support CARF this Holiday Season

With the holiday season upon us, we can't help but reflect on the past year. In 2021, CARF had many successes but many difficulties as well. So far it's been a year of amazing highs but also some devastating lows. We were able to successfully rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome over 50 dogs. But due to the pandemic, we also saw a drop in donations and volunteers. Our important work would not be possible without the amazing support from our loyal supporters, volunteers, foster families, adopters, and social media friends. They say it takes a village, and that has never been more true.

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Holiday Gift Idea for Dog Lovers | Virtually Adopt A Dog From Curaçao

Holiday Gift Idea for Dog Lovers | Virtually Adopt A Dog From Curacao

Can't adopt? Not able to foster? Too busy to volunteer? Our Virtual Adoption Program allows you to virtually adopt a dog! This means that you will adopt a dog “on paper,” while the dog remains in our care. You will receive a digital certificate of adoption with the name and picture of your dog of choice, as well as your own name or the name of the person you gift it to!

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virtually adopt for Mother's Day

Mother's Day 2020 | Virtually Adopt a Curaçao Dog for Mom

virtually adopt for Mother's Day

Not sure what to do with Mother’s Day this year? Does your mom/wife/girlfriend/grandma/aunt/sibling love dogs? Consider symbolically adopting a dog in someone else's name! You will receive a digital certificate of adoption to surprise your loved one with.

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Become a Dog's Secret Santa | CARF's Virtual Adoption Program

Become a Dog's Secret Santa | CARF's Virtual Adoption Program

Become a dog's Secret Santa this year! Would you like to adopt one of our dogs, but your circumstances won't allow it? Now, you can become a virtual adopter ― for a month or a full year!

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Donations Needed To Help Care For Abandoned Puppies

These puppies were dumped yesterday. Left in the wild, left to survive... but would they? They are small, sick, and weak. It would be just a matter of time for them to die... we couldn’t let that happen.
UPDATE: Click here to see what our Mahuma-puppies now look like (December 19, 2017).
So we picked them up and brought them to the vet, as we speak. We will do our utmost best to take care of them, but we need your help. So please help and donate whatever you can. We are stressed out and completely overstretched. There is a huge vet bill awaiting us with the rescue of these little ones...

How is it possible the authorities keep turning a blind eye to this dumping epidemic?

Monetary donations can be made through PayPal or through the following bank accounts:

  • Maduro & Curiel's Bank: 21199501. Address: Beshiweg #1
  • Banco di Caribe: 301647 500 001 100 01. Address: Beshiweg #1
  • For donations from The Netherlands, we have a Dutch account. Please contact or send us a message on Facebook.

Homeless Soon-To-Be-Momma Dog Needs Our Help!

Today was véry, véry stressful but at least all those helpless creatures we rescued are safe and loved now. Please welcome Lucille to the ever-growing CARF family. Lucille will have her pups in a safe and clean environment.
 She will raise them without having to worry where her next meal will come from. She is the sweetest most docile pup. We estimate her to be around 1,5 years old and this is not her first litter according to the neighborhood people...

Please help us with the medical and food expenses for Lucille and her soon to be born little ones. All donations (no matter how small) will help save lives. Thank you in advance! 

You may click the PayPal button on our website to make a monetary donation.
For local donations: MCB 21199501 / Address: Beshiweg 1, Willemstad, Curaçao
For Euro donations, please contact us via Facebook or

6 Ways How You Can Help CARF This Holiday Season

Help the Homeless Dogs of Curaçao

Short on time or money (or both) but still want to help the homeless dogs of Curaçao? Or maybe you don't live on the island but you do feel passionate about the well-being of the dogs on our island? There are multiple ways to help CARF without investing a ton of time, money or energy.

1. Donate Wish List Items

We have a wish list of items, incl. dog food (ProPlan, which is being sold at Bremar Agencies a.o.), toys, bedding, and cleaning supplies such as bleach and paper kitchen towels - it can cost as little as a few guilders. Pick up a couple items next time you’re shopping for groceries. You can drop off your items at our friends at THEA Gifts & More (Cas Coraweg 39A) or email to schedule a date and time to drop off your donation, or have it picked up.

2. Become A Virtual Adopter

Do you have a friend, co-worker or family member who loves animals but can't adopt one due to finances or residential rules? Give that special person a unique gift; a CARF Virtual Adoption. We will send a certificate, photos, and regular updates with a note about the gift sponsorship you have donated in their name! Of course, you can also become a CARF Virtual Adopter yourself. Pick your adoptable CARFIE and contact

3. Throw a Christmas or New Year's Eve Party

What are you asking for Christmas this year? What about asking friends or family to make a donation to CARF in your name? Or when hosting a Christmas or New Year's Eve party, ask your guests to bring a gift for our rescued dogs. You could also set up a jar on the drinks or snacks table where your guests can leave a donation; it’s an easy add-on to an event you’re already hosting. Or put out two jars; one for women and one for men, and make it a fun little competition who will donate most!

4. Donate Money, Gift Certificates or FunMiles

All donations, no matter how small, help save lives. December is an expensive month for most people, but perhaps you can make a small one-time donation or schedule a monthly donation for 2017? If all our 5000+ Facebook fans would donate one or two guilders per month that would make a huge difference! You can also help out by donating gift certificates or using your FunMiles to buy items from our wish list.

5. Foster a Dog

We work with loving and supportive foster parents who provide temporary care to our dogs until we find them a forever home. Placing rescued dogs in foster homes frees up space to help newly rescued dogs. CARF pays for food and vet bills, so fostering does not have to be a burden on your wallet. Providing the shelter and love that these dogs need while they wait for a forever home is one of the most rewarding and fulfilling things you can do to help.

6. Like and Share Our Posts

This is free of costs and takes about 3 seconds of your time. Are you already liking us on Facebook and Instagram? By liking our pages and sharing our posts, you are helping us reach more people who could potentially support us. ​Sometimes the only thing standing between a homeless pet and a forever home is a view by the right person.

Ed Needs Your Help. We Need Your Help.

Ed needs your help. We need your help. We are maxed out! But we had to help Ed... It seems he's been walking with this injured leg for a while (not a surprise it's badly infected). Poor Ed will have to have his leg amputated...
Ed is on pain meds and antibiotics and fortunately in very good spirits. Village, we need your assistance. We still have about Fl. 5.000,- of outstanding food and medical expenses to cover this month only.

​Please help us with a donation of any size so we can continue to help the helpless. Be the voice for the voiceless and go forward with our mission to Foster Second Chances.

Donations can be made at Maduro & Curiel's Bank account number 21199501 and/or at Banco di Caribe account number 301647 500 001 100 01. We also welcome donations of bleach, paper kitchen (scott) towels, laundry detergent, cleaning agents of all kinds, dishwashing liquid, sponges, brooms, mops, trash bags etc.

Email us at for any information you may require. 

​We have approximately 140 dogs in our care that we provide with food, preventives, and medical treatments (heartworm, tick fever, chemotherapy and so much more). We are also spaying and neutering, vaccinating, deworming, microchipping, and the list goes on...

Any help is appreciated. On behalf of the entire team and all our rescued CARFIES, thank you!​​

Sunday Morning, Walking The CARFIES

This morning, despite the somewhat rainy weather, several volunteers came together to take our CARFIES for a walk. Rain or shine, the dogs didn't seem to mind, they loved to sniff and saunter - and the popsicles we had prepared for them were a big hit. Thank you, volunteers, for helping make their Sunday truly special!
We all enjoyed the outdoors while enhancing our dogs socialization and leash skills. Are you interested in joining us during our upcoming walks? Contact us at

Heartworm Treatment: What You Need to Know

Heartworms in dogs are easy to prevent, but difficult, and costly, to cure. These last few weeks we have been treating (and still need to treat) several of our former street dogs for their heartworm. As some of you may know this is an expensive procedure costing up to hundreds of dollars per dog.
We urge all pet owners to please be responsible and provide a simple and affordable monthly prevention for your dog and cat!

We would also like to ask for your financial support in providing this life saving procedure for our rescue dogs. Over the coming days we will post individual pictures of the many dogs who have undergone heartworm treatment on our Facebook page. If you haven't done so yet, please make sure to 'like' our page.

If you can donate any amount to cover these expenses, we (and all the CARFIES) would be so very grateful. Please email for any questions.

Donations can be made at:
Maduro & Curiel's Bank: 21199501
Banco di Caribe: 301647 500 001 100 01
Or use the PayPal link on our website.

Wanted: CARF Foster Families

Can you offer us a helping hand? If you can provide a temporary home for a dog in Curaçao, we want to hear from you! CARF needs volunteers to take in dogs of all ages, sizes, and breeds, that have been abused, neglected or abandoned by their owners, or who have been living on the streets but are in desperate need of care.
CARF Curaçao pays all medical bills and provides all supplies (beds, toys, food, medicine, etc.). Foster families provide food, attention and love, while CARF searches for permanent homes for the animals.

For more information or to sign up as a foster parents, please contact us at

6 Tips On How to Avoid Losing Your Dog

No one ever plans to lose a beloved dog, but every year many dogs do get lost. Tragically, some never are returned to their owners. Here are a few tips on how to avoid losing your dog (or in case you do lose them, how to find them back).
April 23 is National Lost Dog Awareness DayThis special day was created to bring attention to all dogs that get lost each year and to celebrate the dogs that have been successfully reunited with their families. CARF regularly receives messages from people asking for help to find back their dogs after they ran off or just vanished.

Here are some tips on how to avoid losing your dog, and in the unfortunate event that your pet does get lost, how to find them back.

1. Dog Tags
Identify your dog with a collar with your phone number, name and address tag at all times. If your dog ever escapes or takes off, chances are someone will find him of her. If they have a number that they can call when they find your dog, you might have your dog back in no time. You can buy your personalized tags and collars at PiDiS Pet Department Store (Dr Maalweg 21A) and other pet stores. Ready while you wait!

2. Collars With Phone Numbers
There's always a chance that your dog might lose its dog tags while he's out. Use a permanent marker to write your phone numbers on the outside of the collar, in case the tags gets lost.

3. Spay or Neuter Your Dog
Through neutering, you can help your dog live a happier, healthier, and longer life and also help reduce pet overpopulation. A spayed dog is less likely to run off because they are not searching for a mate. Since they are less likely to run away, they are less likely to be hit by cars, or receive injuries from fights with neighborhood dogs.

4. Be Careful During Holidays And Weather Extremes
Be extra careful during holidays with fireworks (New Year's Eve) and weather extremes (fireworks, storm, heavy rainfall, etc.). Dogs can become very stressed by loud noises and even dogs who normally don’t jump fences can leap over them easily in fear. Lock your dog in the house if there’s a chance he or she could dig under or jump over the outside fence.

5. Have Your Pets Microchipped
Talk with your veterinarian about having your dog microchipped for permanent identification. You can contact to schedule an appointment with our vet. Once microchipped, make sure to register your dog at and keep the info in a safe place and updated.

6. Take Pictures Of Your Pets
Remember to always have updated pictures of your dogs in case they do get lost. Also make sure to take pictures of any unusual markings or scars. If your pet does get lost, you will have a picture to print and spread lost-flyers in your area. You can also create awareness on


All CARFIES wear a collar with our logo and phone number on it.

Heartworm Facts You Need To Know

Heartworm is in our top three of most common diseases we encounter in our daily work. It is a disease that will slowly kill your pet. What frustrates us the most is that it can easily be prevented.
You won’t even notice the heartworm infection until it’s in an advanced stage. And by that time it will be a long and expensive treatment with a lot of risks for the animal. In Curaçao you will have a 100% guarantee that your dog will get infected with heartworm if left untreated.

Real Life Case Study
Pancho was one of our many CARFIES that suffered from heartworm. Pancho was a sweet dog that came to us with tick fever, heartworm, liver failure, and a paralyzed leg. Even with all his issues Pancho was always happy to cuddle and guarded his foster’s home like no other.

Pancho had been bitten by a mosquito carrying the heartworm larvae. The larvae traveled to his heart where they nestled and fed on the blood flowing through the heart. The early stages happened unnoticed. Then, as Pancho’s heart began to fill with worms he started coughing occasionally. When Pancho arrived at his foster home, his foster noticed that his tongue would turn blue after a big meal or that he would sit down to rest while eating. When his foster would play fetch with him and the other dogs, Pacho would soon lag behind, give up, and sit down and pant.

When Pancho was finally healthy enough for treatment (taking his other ails into consideration), the vet gave him an injection in his muscle next to his spine. This made him very unwell that evening. Pancho needed to be restricted from exercise and remain in a cool area during treatment. After a month he had to go back for the same injection, followed by another one the next day.  Not only is this a painful treatment and an even more painful disease, it is a costly one!

Poor Pancho passed away during an operation on his leg due to his enlarged heart from the heartworms.

Preventing Is Better Than Curing
Protect your dog from getting heartworm. It’s so easy! Heartgard, a chewable, palatable pill sold in Curaçao, can be found at various pet shops and at all veterinary practices. One pill a month will save your dog from a slow death! You’ll need to start giving your pup Heartgard as soon as they are 6 months old. Never start your dog on heartworm prevention without checking  if your dog is infected with heartworm. ​

7 Reasons To Spay or Neuter Your Dog

We can’t say it enough: it's important to spay or neuter your dog. Why? Here’s why.

7 Reasons To Spay or Neuter Your Dog

  1. Your dog will have a better chance in life. According to research, a male neutered dog lives 18% longer than un-neutered male dog. A female spayed dog lives 23% longer.
  2. Less chance of your dog wanting to roam outside of your property, getting into fights with other dogs, car accidents, and other dangers on the street. The chances of fighting with your other dogs in your yard will be much smaller too.
  3. Neutered male dogs have smaller chances of getting testicular and prostate cancer.
  4. Un-spayed female dogs have a greater chance of developing pyrometra (fatal uterine infection), uterine cancer, and cancer in the reproductive organs.
  5. Clinical evidence indicates that female dogs spayed before their first heat are typically healthier.
  6. Male un-neutered dogs are more prone to urine marking their territory. Even some female dogs present this behavior.
  7. Some dogs are more aggressive when not neutered. Aggressiveness can put you and your family’s life in risk. Some cases of dog aggression have led to people putting their dog down or dumping him or her in a shelter.

​If your pet isn't spay or neutered yet, please make an appointment at the vet and get it done with. It will be one of the best decisions you’ll ever make for your pet. You can contact your vet, or Claus Clinic, to schedule an appointment. Keep in mind, no food for your pet past 7:00 PM the day before neutering/spaying.

"What Can I Do To Help CARF?"

How To Help CARF

It's a crisis situation. Not just for CARF, but for other rescue groups on Curaçao as well. We are all having a very hard time keeping our heads above water. The situation on the island is out of control and we need your help! What can you do, you ask...?

There is practically a new dog coming in every day. Most of them are in bad shape and in need of extensive medical treatments for ehrlichia, heartworm, mange... you name it!

[ For Dutch, click here. ]

Please help us continue to help our street dogs by:

  • Donating dog food.
  • Donating preventives (Frontline, Heartgard, NexGard, and Bravecto. All can be purchased at vet stores).
  • Donating cleaning products (Bleach, towels, kitchen towels, laundry detergent, etc.)
  • Donating money. Monetary donations, no matter how small, are welcome at Maduro & Curiel's Bank 21199501 or Banco di Caribe 301647 500 001 100 01. You can also send a secure PayPal donation through our website.
  • Donating your time. We can always use your help and there are lots of opportunities for voluntary work. Volunteers can help with everything from feeding our dogs, cleaning benches to fundraising or taking our CARFIES out for a walk. Whether you can spare an hour a week or more, there are many ways to get involved.
  • Opening your home to a CARFIE. We are in urgent need of foster homes. Our foster program works like this; you provide the space and TLC, we provide food, medicine, toys and other supplies.
  • Spreading the word. Even if you are not in the position to donate, you can still help us. Simply by liking and sharing our social media posts on Facebook and Instagram you can help us reach the people who are in the position to donate. By talking about the overpopulation of stray dogs with friends, family and colleagues, your church, school or sports club, you can inspire someone else to step up and help out.

If you can help, please send us an email at or contact us through We will arrange a date and time for you to drop off your donation or have one of our volunteers come and pick it up at a time and location that is convenient for you. All help is appreciated!

April 4th: World Stray Animal Day

Today is World Stray Animal Day! Here at CARF Curaçao, we devote every day to helping homeless and abandoned dogs, but recognizing it as a special day is a great way to spread awareness and encourage people to practice kindness and compassion
You can be a part of the solution! If you can't adopt, foster. If you can't foster, volunteer. If you can't volunteer, donate. If you can't donate, educate. Feel free to drop us a message at to see how you can help. Thank you!