Although he's still very much in his recovery process, we wanted to show you a first befor...

Although he's still very much in his recovery process, we wanted to show you a first before-and-after of Sosa. Sometimes a bit of TLC can make a world of difference! #CARFSosa #CARFBeforeAndAfter #DogRescueCuracao

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Sosa is Safe | Rescued Stray in Curaçao Needs Serious Dental Care

Sosa, one of our latest rescues, needed a lot of dental work done. You can read his full rescue story on our website (warning: distressing images!) And now that this is out of the way, we’re going to focus on the next steps of his recovery.

If you want to support his recovery, there are different ways to donate:
?? Tikkie:
?? Maduro & Curiel’s Bank: 21199501. Address: Beshiweg #1 (SWIFT/BIC Code = MCBKCWCU)
?? Banco di Caribe: 30164750000110001. Address: Beshiweg #1 (SWIFT/BIC Code = BDCCCWCU)
?? Contact for our Canadian bank account details.
?? Contact for our Dutch bank account details.
? PayPal:

#CARFSosa #DogRescueCuracao #DogsOfCuracao

Sosa is Safe | Rescued Stray in Curaçao Needs Serious Dental Care
Not everyone knows this, but dental care for your dog is so very important. One of our latest rescues, Sosa, had very serious dental issues. WARNING ― distressing images! Sosa was found on the side of the road by someone living on food parcels. Although in

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