During these challenging and uncertain times, we believe it's important to also shar...
? During these challenging and uncertain times, we believe it's important to also share some positivity. Well, today is the beginning of Volunteer Appreciation Week and we're more than happy to jump on that bandwagon.
? Our volunteers help our dogs in so many ways; from taking them for walks, driving them to and from vet appointments, taking care of their daily needs, snapping pictures of the adoptable ones, to teaching them how to be pets, and more.
? And thanks to our fosters so many dogs have been able to recover from illness or injury, be in a safe loving home to deliver their babies, or just get a nice break from life-threatening situations.
?? Since 2008, we've been able to rescue and re-home so many dogs all because of the dedication of our volunteers and fosters. To each and every single one of you: THANK YOU! #VolunteerAppreciationWeek #CARFvolunteers